New report, Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources,
analyzes the impacts of global food waste from an environmental
perspective, looking specifically at its consequences for the climate,
water and land use, and biodiversity.
The world wastes 1.3 billion tons of food annually—a third of all the food that’s produced—according to a report published last week by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
This waste not only results in major economic loss, but also causes
significant harm to the natural resources that we rely on for food
production. It also has moral implications, given that an estimated 870
million people go to bed hungry every night.
The report, Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources,
analyzes the impacts of global food waste from an environmental
perspective, looking specifically at its consequences for the climate,
water and land use, and biodiversity.
According to the report’s
authors, food that is produced but not eaten consumes a volume of water
three times greater than Lake Geneva and adds 3.3 billion tons of
greenhouses gases to the atmosphere every year—more than the entire
global shipping industry. Approximately 1.4 billion hectares of land—28
percent of the world’s agricultural area—is used annually to produce
this food.
addition to its environmental impacts, the FAO estimates the direct
economic consequences of food waste (excluding fish and seafood) to be
$750 billion annually.
“We all—farmers and fishers; food
processers and supermarkets; local and national governments; individual
consumers—must make changes at every link of the human food chain to
prevent food wastage from happening in the first place, and re-use or
recycle it when we can’t,” said FAO Director-General José Graziano da
Food is wasted at all stages of the food chain. Fifty-four
percent occurs “upstream” during production, post-harvest handling, and
storage, while 46 percent occurs “downstream” during the processing,
distribution, and consumption stages, according to the report.
Generally, developing countries suffer more food loss during
agricultural production, whereas food waste at the retail and consumer
level tends to be higher in middle- and high-income regions.
FAO proposes several solutions to reduce food waste, including better
methods of food harvest, storage, processing, transport, and retailing;
better communication among food chain participants; more conscientious
consumption, with an emphasis on buying only what is needed and relaxing
standards for the cosmetic quality of produce; legislation aimed at
lowering food waste; systems that redistribute safe surplus food to
those in need; and food waste recycling systems that use anaerobic
digestion to break food down into usable fertilizer and biogas.
our February newsletter, we wrote about the environmental and
humanitarian consequences of food waste and asked readers for their
views on solutions. We received many thoughtful responses.
of our readers who work on farms wrote about their methods for
recycling excess organic matter. Jan Steinman of Vancouver, Canada,
wrote: “I live on a co-op farm, and nothing is wasted. We have a ‘three
bucket’ system: what people don’t want goes in the goat bucket
(vegetable trimmings, etc.); if it isn’t suitable for the goats it goes
in the chicken bucket (moldy bread or cheese, cooked grains or legumes,
etc.); and if neither humans nor goats nor chickens will eat it, it goes
into the compost.” Noting that many readers do not raise their own
goats or chickens, Jan added, “If they go to a farmers’ market, they can
surely find someone who will put their ‘waste’ to a higher use.”
and municipalities are taking measures to reduce food waste as well.
David Straus of New York shared: “Our county is considering purchasing a
large grinder and establishing a county-wide food-composting program.
They key is to charge for landfilling mixed waste but provide the
opportunity to recycle/compost for free. Finished compost can be sold or
given away to local gardeners and farmers.”
Across the world in
India, Usha S. wrote about the role that decentralized planning can play
in ensuring food security: “We have to change the way food is produced,
first of all…. In India, we think that decentralized planning is
[needed] for ensuring food security, safe food, and to strengthen the
production systems, and make farming economically viable for the youth
in the villages.”
And finally, Björn Dahlroth pointed out that
wasted food is just one symptom of our imperfect food system, and that
curbing waste will require complex solutions.
As a companion to its new study, the FAO has also published a “tool-kit” that
contains recommendations on how food loss and waste can be reduced at
every stage of the food chain. The tool-kit profiles a number of
projects around the world that show how national and local governments,
farmers, businesses, and individual consumers can take steps to tackle
the problem.
For more information about food waste, click here for a United Nations short film on the topic.
Source: http://www.worldwatch.org/fao-says-food-waste-harms-climate-water-land-and-biodiversity-0

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