Black Trip (swedish heavy metal band)
Album: Goin Under (2013)
Album: Goin Under (2013)
The night of the damned
They're calling my name
They're casting their spells
They're calling my name
They're casting their spells
Chanting through flames
They're taking me beneath the hollow
Through the past to the world of tomorrow
In silence they're screaming my name
Over again
I'm sailing through death in the darkest of rivers
Specters are taking me over the edge
All down the bloodfalls and into the abyss
Of death
I'm falling beyond
Death has prevailed
I'm painted in blood, I am mirrored
Nothing will grow
They're taking me beneath the hollow
Through the past to the world of tomorrow
In silence they're screaming my name
Over again
I'm sailing through death in the world of tomorrow
Specters are taking me over the edge
All down the bloodfalls and into the abyss
Specters are taking me over the edge
They're taking me beneath the hollow
Through the past to the world of tomorrow
In silence they're screaming my name
Over again
I'm sailing through death in the darkest of rivers
Specters are taking me over the edge
All down the bloodfalls and into the abyss
Of death
I'm falling beyond
Death has prevailed
I'm painted in blood, I am mirrored
Nothing will grow
They're taking me beneath the hollow
Through the past to the world of tomorrow
In silence they're screaming my name
Over again
I'm sailing through death in the world of tomorrow
Specters are taking me over the edge
All down the bloodfalls and into the abyss
Specters are taking me over the edge

Σχετικά με τον συντάκτη της ανάρτησης:
Ο Αλέξανδρος Ντάσκας είναι Δικηγόρος Αθηνών και ένας από τους συνδιαχειριστές του ΔΙΚΑΙΟΠΟΛΙΣ.
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