my grandfather, Josip Broz Tito, “gave” the name “Macedonia” to one of
the six constituent republics of Yugoslavia, it is obvious that this act
did not aim to create irredentist claims with its neighbors, with which
Yugoslavia developed friendly relations and fruitful cooperation.
For many years Skopje’s authorities had been presenting maps of
“Greater Macedonia,” extending “the geographical and ethnic border of
Macedonia” into Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia and Greece. Is that the model
of regional cooperation that our friends in Skopje preach to follow?
The European Union, the United Nations and the international
community have invested considerable political and economic capital and
deployed great efforts in terms of peacemaking and peacekeeping
operations in the former Yugoslavia and in humanitarian assistance to
the Balkans. This was not in vain. It is obvious that the international
community seeks a climate of stability, cooperation and consent in a
region where the future is connected with development.
As it is well known, pursuant to the United Nations Security Council
Resolution 817/1993, the country was admitted to membership in the
United Nations, being provisionally referred to as “The former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia,” pending settlement of the difference over its
Furthermore, the Security Council, in Resolution 845/1993, urged “the
parties [Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia] to
continue their efforts under the auspices of the Secretary-General to
arrive at a speedy settlement of the remaining issues.” The negotiations
on this settlement are still in progress, with the facilitation of the
Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy Matthew Nimetz.
Accepting admission to the United Nations under the provisional
international name “Τhe former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,” and at
the same time accepting the procedure of the UN “to continue the efforts
under the auspices of the Secretary-General to arrive at a speedy
settlement” of the difference on the name issue and, nevertheless,
continuing using the “constitutional” name “Macedonia” – which has not
been accepted in the United Nations! – constitutes not only deception,
and an insult to the United Nations, but also proof they consider
themselves “clever” and all the others “idiots.”
I would like just to put forward a simple question: If you present
somebody with a map which violates their territorial integrity, what
would you expect them to do? Accept your proposals? Would it be
Since the maps of “Greater Macedonia” and the related irredentist
policy are based on and emanate from the name issue, that is
“Macedonia,” it is obvious that this term cannot work.
In an interview two years ago, I underscored that “Tito’s policy for
me is clear: He never ever would have entertained the idea of insisting
on the name ‘Macedonia.’ I cannot understand why the politicians of
Skopje were so stubborn within the United Nations or elsewhere, instead
of finding a logical distinction from this part of Greece and their new
state. Their policy was not wise because they made no effort to find a
solution with Greece. No, my grandfather would never have insisted on
Regardless of any consideration as to the historic roots or the
historic arguments, in this case, we realize that we stand before
negotiations since 1993 in the framework of the United Nations. With all
respect and cordial friendship to our friends in Skopje, when we are in
a negotiations framework, we cannot say, “We are sticking to the name
Macedonia and we won’t discuss anything else.” Defining what we cannot
accept in a negotiation gives an indication of our general objective. It
excludes a certain area of discussion, but it leaves the remaining area
free. Nevertheless, solely defining what we want, sticking to that, and
not moving a millimeter to the right nor a millimeter to the left, this
behavior is not the beginning of the negotiations, but their end.
The term “Macedonia” has always been used for a wider geographical
area, approximately 51 percent of which is part of Greece, 38 percent of
which is in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and 9 percent of
which is in Bulgaria.
It would be absurd, therefore, on Skopje's part, to insist on using
the term “Macedonia” on an exclusive basis. I would therefore like the
leadership in Skopje to do their best to find a solution.
In ancient times, the inhabitants of the region of Macedonia
worshipped the same gods as Greeks, spoke the Greek language, and
participated in the Olympic Games, a privilege reserved only for Greeks.
All the philosophers and writers from the Macedonia region, including
Aristotle, wrote in Greek. Alexander the Great, Alexander Makedonski, or
whatever we want to call him, spread not the “Macedonian” language but
the Greek language and civilization.
If someone has a different view of history, this is an academic question, not a political one. Leave it to the academics.
In past decades, but recently too, we repeatedly heard about “Greater
Macedonia,” “Greater Serbia,” “Greater Croatia,” “Greater Albania” and
other nationalistic cries. Really, that's too many “Great” states in
such a small area!
My dream is to see all the constituent republics of the former
Yugoslavia progressing and developing, which would be undeniably
corroborated by joining the European Union and NATO. I think, Matthew
Nimetz was absolutely right when he stated, “It is high time a solution
on the name issue was found.”
* Svetlana Broz, Josip Broz Tito’s granddaughter, born in Belgrade, is author of the book “Good People in an Evil Time.” She is the founder and director since 2001 of the NGO GARIWO (Gardens of the Righteous Worldwide), which awards civil courage.
ΠΗΓΗ: http://www.ekathimerini.com/224046/opinion/ekathimerini/comment/the-name-macedonia-cannot-work

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